Category Archives: aspiration

Poem – Faith

In everything I do, I am guided

By a compass within myself…


Not by the opinions of a decadent society

With a microscopic vision and mind;


Not by the reckless, value-less standards

Of imitation New-World attitudes…


Not by the rigid rules of a prescribed Faith

That have been obeyed before they were understood;


Not by the rebellious Godlessness

Of unlimited, unethical freedom.


I live by my standards.


Shaped by a Truth I have been taught to believe,

By what I have learnt and understood,

And beyond that, by what I know from within,

By the unexplainable instincts and intuitions,

Tuned to an inner voice that I choose to trust–

Above convention, above logic…

A Thought that holds my life secure;


Molded by a faith in Faith, a confidence

That great Confidence works great Miracles.


I trust completely; I love!


I do not answer to the world,

I do not aver that I am right;

I do not claim that I know the way;


I know only that I have chosen,

And I shall not retreat–

I cannot.


Buoyed by the conviction that those I love

Shall bless me, and not renounce me,

Even if the ways I choose are not

The ones they chose for me…


And trust that though my ways are separate,

My ideals are strong; they have made me strong–

And my ultimate destination

Is one they would have chosen


Or better.

** Reposted

Poem — Aspiration

I want to be that gull—
The storm and the sunset
Behind me;
Riding the wind
Towards the horizon…

I want to be that gull;

I want to be that gull
That a sailor spies,
And takes heart,
Pressing towards home,
Lost in the storm…

I want to be that gull:
A fighter,
A symbol,
A vision,
A message.

I want to be that gull.

A New Beginning…

It’s New Year… A time to look back at the past year and remember it’s lessons, bitter and sweet… a time to look forward with new hope, new dreams and renewed energy. It is a time to let go of the past and it’s mistakes, to revive the good things; a time to grow, a time to change.

To those of my readers who have returned to this site repeatedly in the past year while it has been sadly neglected: I am honored and humbled by your loyalty! I hope I do not let you down again. I intend to blog and write as regularly as time permits. 🙂

My writing has always been a reflection of me… You will find changes, for I too have changed. Other than the changes in me, I also intend to change the style of my blog. In addition to my poems and stories, I intend to include writing that cannot be categorised into either– just “writing”.

What I wished to share when I started this blog was my world. To that ideal, I hope to always be true.

Wish you all a Happy New Year! May you learn to love life and it’s experiences , both bitter and sweet, a little more this year.